After Noah finished building the boat, God instructed him to go into the boat with all his family.
He told him to take seven pairs of all the animals and birds which God had approved for eating and for sacrifice. The animals and birds were male and female.
Noah also took a pair of each of the other animals and birds. He took them so that they would reproduce and fill the earth after the flood.
Then God said to Noah, “Seven days from now I am going to send rain that will fall for forty days and nights, in order to destroy all the living beings that I have made.”
Noah did everything God commanded him to do.
Then at the age of 600, Noah entered the boat to escape from the flood. He went into the boat with his wife, his three sons and their wives. All kinds of animals and birds went into the boat with them.
Then God used His own hands to shut the door of the boot behind Noah.
The Flood Covered the Earth
Great rain fell on earth for forty days and forty nights. All the underground waters opened and water gushed out under the earth.
The flood waters grew in quantity and grew deeper. It covered the ground and lifted the boat off the ground. The boat started to float on the water.
The water continued to increase until it covered the highest mountains on earth. The water didn’t stop rising. It rose to be more than twenty feet above the peaks of the highest mountains on earth.
All living things that were on earth died. These included human beings, animals and birds. Everything that breathed and lived on dry land perished. God wiped out every living thing on earth.
The only creatures that survived were Noah and his family and the animals and birds that were with them in the boat.
The flood covered the earth for 150 days.
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